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I try to cover a little bit of everything, but right now Politics holds my fancy.. Especially since the Rockies are playing so lousy at the moment.

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But it is the price we pay for the possibility of making a little coin now and again. (like that has been happening).

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Potomac Primaries.. another Obama sweep?

There are three primaries today, Virginia, Maryland, and District of Columbia. All indications are that Barack Obama will win all three, continuing his sweep from the weekend over Hillary Clinton. The expectation is that after these primaries Obama will over take Clinton in the total delegate count, even with the leanings of the Super Delegates counted in.

Since Super Tuesday Clinton has replaced her campaign manager and started the spin that expectations for today are not too high, while focusing on the upcoming prmaries in Ohio, Texas, and Pennsylvania. The real question will be can she stop the momentum that Obama obviously has developed and continues to build upon.

In the Republican race, it is just a matter of time and watching McCain slowly creep towards the nomination while fending off the pesky but still fighting Huckabee.

Two major Democrat endorsements out there are still being courted by Obama and Clinton camps, Al Gore and John Edwards. Frankly, I don't see Gore making an endorsement until there is a clear winner, but Edwards could seriously impact the race by endorsing either one. My money right now is on Edwards endorsing Obama, especially if he sweeps all three primaries today.

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