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I try to cover a little bit of everything, but right now Politics holds my fancy.. Especially since the Rockies are playing so lousy at the moment.

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But it is the price we pay for the possibility of making a little coin now and again. (like that has been happening).

Friday, May 16, 2008

Bush manages to unify Democrats

In one masterful stroke, President Bush found probably the only way to unite the possibly fractured Democratic Party. Attack both the party and the possible Presidential nominee of the party from half way across the globe, and rationalize them being similar to those who appeased Adolf Hitler prior to WWII.

The violent and colorful retorts of Senator Biden, Clinton, and Obama blasting Bush for his comments before the Israeli Knesset proved once again what a unifying force Bush has become for the Democratic Party. And if Bush hadn’t done enough to give the Democrats something to unite around, Senator McCain helped himself to some of the Bush legacy by jumping on board for much of the same type of attack.

In one single afternoon, Bush managed to get Hillary Clinton to defend Barack Obama, something that hasn’t happened in over three months. And Senator McCain managed to once again link himself to the most unpopular president in modern history by jumping on the “appeasement” bandwagon started by Bush. You just couldn’t make up a scenario that would present a more unified target for the Democrats at a time when McCain has tried to significantly distance himself from Bush.

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