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I try to cover a little bit of everything, but right now Politics holds my fancy.. Especially since the Rockies are playing so lousy at the moment.

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But it is the price we pay for the possibility of making a little coin now and again. (like that has been happening).

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Let the economy positions begin

Seems Obama and McCain are both out expounding on their economic plans. Looks like they are going to be doing the rounds over the next couple weeks positioning their stands on the economy. While neither has the "official" title of nominee of their party, the general campaign seems to be gearing up pretty quickly and looks to be substantially different than previous elections.

Time gives a broad brush look at Obama's economic proposals, and CNN does a little comparison shopping between the two.

I can't remember the last time there were two candidates that differed so significantly on such a broad range of issues. Looking forward to watching the debating both in debates and in the point counter point press releases.

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